International Christian Church
With Services in Guangzhou and Los Angeles
"For we are His creation, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, so that we may walk in them".
Ephesians 2:10 LEB
Who We Are
New Creation Center is an International church.
Ordinary people from different nations, backgrounds, social status; believing, living a blessed life; beloved, redeemed, justified and united in Christ Jesus. Since 2017, the Church has been accountable to and is a part of the Chinese Missionary Center (CMC). We believe that a church is primarily not an organization or a beautiful building, but first and foremost, it is people whose lives are united in God's family, transformed by the principles and power of the Kingdom of God and continue to change under the influence of the love of the Lord Jesus Christ.
A place where anyone can come and find help and support. As a Church we are called to become a home and a family for everyone. We are Church which is a casual, fun, non-denominational church and exist to help people find and follow Jesus, it's just that simple! |
Church in Every House and Also in a Temple:"Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah." Acts 5:42 NIV
As a early church we do also have corporate services at homes and in a temple. Every Thursday we do have kingdom groups in our houses and every Sunday we do have our corporate worship services. |
Home Groups
Our Kingdom groups are every Thursday, as one big family, we gather at home to study the Word of God. We share our joys and experiences, support each other, understand life situations together, and pray. We fellowship, drink tea, coffee, eat, grow spiritually, enjoy the opportunity to be in a circle of Christ-minded people.
Comfort and Warmth, It’s in Family-Style
"They broke bread in their homes, and ate together with glad and sincere hearts" (Acts 2:46)
Ourr Story in Numbers
Global evangelization of the world based on apostolic principles. Fulfillment of the Great Commission of Christ (Matt.28: 19). Proclaiming the Gospel to the ends of the earth, opening churches; as well as training, equipping, dispatching and supporting missionaries around the world.
10years our church has been serving in the name of the Lord |
20,766people attended our Sunday meetings |
1,000thousands people were reconciled with God |
24overseas missionary trips |
57spiritual seminars |
Praise the Lord!
Every Person in the World Needs God
Our task is to bring to faith a person who is seeking salvation. We welcome every person of any nationality, religion, or beliefs. Our family will provide you with prayer support and assistance.
Spiritual Growth
Water baptism is a sacrament that Jesus Christ himself performed and commanded his disciples to do. By performing water baptism, a person confirms his decision to follow Christ before the face of God, church, and world. The person testifies that the new birth really happened, and expresses his willingness to live a new life serving the Lord.
Prayer and Worship
Are vital parts of the life of every Christian and every Church. Our dream is to see, build, sponsor, and develop Houses of Prayer for all Nations everywhere.
"...for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations " (Isaiah 56: 7)
"...for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations " (Isaiah 56: 7)
Alpha Course
It consists of 11 meetings, which tell who God is, what the Church is and why it is necessary to get closer to God and learn His will for your life. The Alpha course is a delicious dinner, an interesting program, exciting games and very important fellowship. It is intended for those who do not know anything about faith or have just begun their journey.
"In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." (Proverbs 3:6)
"In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." (Proverbs 3:6)
Discipleship (One-Year Cycle)
"Watch your life and doctrine closely. Preserve in them, because if you do you will save yourself and your hearers." (1 Timothy 4: 16)
Pastors and Missionaries
Alex and Svetlana
Alex and Svetlana are Lead Pastors and Founders of the NEW CREATION CENTER, a charity project "COMPASSION IN ACTION", and a prison ministry in Hong Kong. They were missionaries in China for 11 years. They organised and participated in many missionary trips to such countries as Nepal, Cambodia, Myanmar, and the Philippines.
Alex and Katy
Are ministers of the New Creation Center in Guangzhou from its foundation. They were leaders of: worship ministry, alpha course, marriage preparation course, marriage course. They were sent by the Church on mission in Manila (Philippines), where they have been serving and living with their family since September 2018.
Maxim and Ekaterina
are ministers of the New Creation Center in Guangzhou from its foundation. They were leaders of: worship ministry, alpha course, marriage preparation course, marriage course. They were sent by the Church on mission in Manila (Philippines), where they have been serving and living with their family since September 2018.